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Accident Reconstruction
Accidents involving vessels and watercrafts are fundamentally different from accidents involving motor vehicles. Watercraft and marine accidents pose a special challenge to an investigator. Usually there is very little evidence on the water itself and most of the evidence is contained in the damaged boats, objects struck and people’s recollections. This category of crash requires highly specialized understanding of vessels and the environment they operate in and their relation to the rules of navigation.
A qualified marine accident reconstructionist will be able to address the three dimensional nature of marine accidents such as ramping, overriding, vaulting and downward forces. Forensic Marine Investigations has certified marine investigators and accident reconstructionists on staff to assist you in your marine accident case involving all types of boats - from small personal watercrafts and recreational pleasure boats to large cargo vessels and cruise ships.
Marine Systems
Forensic Marine Investigations regularly provides detailed research, in-depth investigations, and expert testimony to support our clients in navigating maritime claim losses & failures. Marine systems encompass shipbuilding, naval architecture, maintaining and investigating a diverse portfolio of ships. FMI has years of experience assessing possible risks and helping companies save millions of dollars by taking preventative actions. We have worked on damage evaluations involvings submarines, combat vessels, commercial ships, pleasure vessels, and jet skis.
Facilities & Structures
FAEC provides integrity assessment and risk management services for both onshore and offshore petroleum process facilities. Our forensic specialists have years of experience working together with production facility owners & operators in the petrochemical industry. Our multi-disciplinary firm is able to provide a complete assessment of each situation from all angles to ensure optimal efficiency.
Commercial & Private Vessels
Following an injury to passengers on commercial or private vessels, Forensic Marine's experts can establish why the accident occurred and how to prevent such occurrences in the future so that your crew and clients remains as safe as possible on the trip. FMI has qualified professional and certified staff needed in order to investigate large scale examinations of cruise ships, passenger ferries, or crewed charter vessels. The proven expertise of our certified marine investigators and accident reconstructionists can save you time and claim costs. We respond to loss sites worldwide including locations across the USA. FMI will address any operational issues, human error or mechanical failure, that may have occurred during the voyage. We will work with you every step of the way, including offering remediation services and court testimonies to prevent future incidents.
Fire & Explosion
Forensic Marine's qualified fire experts can establish why a marine vessel or cargo container fire occurred, which can be attributed to a myriad of causes. Our fire and explosion investigators work together with certified marine investigators to provide a full range of services, including fire scene processing, evidence collection and storage, and accurate and thorough reports delivered to you in a prompt, efficient manner. We will address issues of burn patterns and sequence, chemical accelerants, and accurately determine the cause of the subject fire or explosion. We can then recommend corrective actions to avoid the risk of re-occurrence. In marine vessel and cargo fires, our team of certified marine investigators with fire C&O background are the perfect team in order to address every angle of the marine environment fire.
Environmental Health & Safety
Forensic Marine's highly qualified oil and gas specialists can assess environmental health and safety in pipelines and process facilities to see if they are constructed properly to meet current codes and regulations. Our team of experts has decades of experience performing detailed inspections of subsurface marine pipelines, piping systems, process facilities, storage facilities, transportation and support vessels. Whether it’s a major disaster or a maintenance management issue, you will be provided with unbiased, comprehensive reporting and pictures that will enable you to resolve your issue quickly with the clear facts you need. If a oil & gas failure occurs, experts can assess the damage, establishing why it occurred, and how such a failure can be prevented in the future.

Maritime Training
Our experts have the experience and training in the marine investigative and safety aspects of forensic investigations. Forensic Marine has experience in the application of mathematical formulae and accepted techniques to calculate vessel speed and determine the dynamics of an accident and offer training in these areas. FMI also has an approved Boat Safety Instructor on staff to offer training in marine safety. Our past experience in teaching Basic Marine Law Enforcement and Laser Operator Certification can be put to use for you!
Associated Marine Services
With extensive knowledge of the required codes and regulations, Forensic Marine Investigations International offers associated marine services such as code compliance evaluation, owner's representation during buildout, operational safety analysis, expert witness, case management support and long term evidence management. Our team of experts will perform inspections and ensure operations meet the United States Coast Guard (USCG) code compliance, and American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. In order to prevent accidents, and minimize opportunities for human errors, FMI will also identify preventative measures and evaluate products and systems to lessen the risk of injury or loss.